
Sunday, April 10, 2005

Guiding Mr. Zachary on Stillhouse April 10th 2005

Had a great time prefishing for my I-Match tournament coming up. I brought along Mr. Zachary for a little guide trip as well. We launched out of Stillhouse Marina at 7:00AM and ran out near the island, where we caught and released some 15+ bass with the 15 mentioned being greater than 14inches and some weighing 3+ lbs. I'll update this post later with more details after my I-Match event. As we were returning to load the boat at 12:00, Jim was launching out of the same spot and to fish the rest of the day. We exchanged greetings and I wished him luck. I told him my best 5 would have gone 15 lbs, so he knows where the bar is set. Hopefully I can repeat that or upsize a few of those fish come tournament day. Didn't get any pictures of Mr. Zachary holding any of his fish due to dead camera batteries, his first fish of the morning was 3+ lbs. He had a great time despite the weather conditions, cloudy skies with light drizzle off and on, slight breeze about 5 mph.

*** Update ***
We caught the fish on spinner baits and rat-l-traps.


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