Took the kids out to Old Settlers park on Saturday morning for a little bass fishing trip. While walking the bank I spotted a rather large white circle under a willow limb extending over the water. When I climbed into the tree I could see down on the bed and sure enough a nice 3 lb bass was sitting on the middle of the circle. I flipped a Kinami twin tail grub on the bed with a 1/4 oz sinker and got her to look at it, but she wouldn't pick up the lure. After a few casts, I then switched to a Big Bite YoMama rigged weightless and cast past the bed about 4 ft. The bass watched it flutter slowly to the bottom and on the first twitch it charged off the bed and sucked it up. After a short fight I had the fish in hand on the bank and my kids were chanting, "Daddy got a big one!" over and over so that everyone in the park knew. We caught a few large crawfish along the bank as well so it appears the mudbugs are on the move. They were dark colored, nearly black with red specs on them. When I say large the two that I caught were good eating size, and my 7 year old said, "Wow, a lobster!" when I pulled the first one out of the water. We had a good time out there.