Texas Classic Bass Club July Tournament on Belton

The Tournament:
Since it's been 100 plus on a daily bases, the club voted to fish at night from 12:00AM to 8:00AM. We had clear sky's and a nearly full moon which made for a great night of fishing. We launched at Cedar Ridge park on Belton lake and start fishing the marina. We killed an hour in there and nearly lost a few lures flipping around the boat stalls, but not a single bite. I decided to run down the lake to a main lake hump or sunken island and see if any fish would bite there. We arrived to find lots of bait and white bass hitting the surface, but after an hour of fishing there, no bass. We moved to a creek and fished all the way to the back and I picked up a 12 inch bass on a black spinnerbait. We fished around there for a while, but no other takers. We moved from there to a main lake point and fished around it, making our way into a creek. I caught another short fish on a Texas rigged black brush hog. A short time later Adam set the hook and the fight was on. After a near disaster when the fish wrapped up on a stick, I was able to net his 5 lb small mouth bass! We fish around the area until daylight when I switched to a spinnerbait. After fishing with it for a while, I felt a tug on the line and saw a large bass following my lure to the boat. Unfortunately it doesn't take the lure and spooked away. I switched lures a short time later and hooked into a keeper size bass using a Scrounger. The fish jumps and goes crazy trying to throw the lure. Adam makes a few attempts to net the fish, but misses on the last try and the fish shakes free. Needless to say that hurt just a little bit since we have only an hour and half left in the tournament. We try another spot and I catch one more 12 inch bass on a watermelon brushhog before time runs out on us.
Tournament in Review:
We did not catch a lot of bass which is typical for a night time tournament, but Adam was able to catch a bass of a lifetime when it comes to Texas small mouth bass. It weighed in at 5.04 lbs and was the second largest bass of the tournament. The lake record smallie is 6.42 lbs, so Adam's was a trophy fish. We got 4th place in the tournament with just the one fish.

Nice fishing story, persistence pays in Bass Fishing.
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