Texas Classic Bass Club November Tournament on Lake LBJ.

The Tournament: I met up with Bill early Saturday morning and we headed off to Lake LBJ. We launched on the Cottonwood ramp and started fishing right away since we launched just a minute or two after 6:00 AM. We started fishing in the marina and after a short time worked our way around to the stalls with the feeder and I caught a 2 to 3 lb catfish on a fire tiger spinnerbait. We tried several more times to get a bite in there, but nothing happened. We switched and fished the dam rocks, nothing on the first pass and then two short fish on the second pass with a Lucky Craft American Shad colored stickbait. We made a run up to a spot that Bill wanted to fish, but the wind was blowing right into the area and we didn't find any fish biting. I wanted to see if there would be any fish on the light house point feeding in the current and caught two bass on back to back casts and one was our first keeper. We fished there for a while hoping there was a school, but it turned out that nothing else there was willing to bite. We headed up the lake to a creek I like to fish and started "wacking them" as bass fisherman like to say. Bill and I proceeded to catch bass on a 5 inch watermelon senko spayed with Fool-A-Fish and dipped tail. We would drop the lure out on the grass edge and work it out into about 9 feet of water and somewhere along the way the fish would pick it up. We caught about 15 bass working down one side of the creek but they were all between 6 and 13 1/2 inches long. We then moved up the lake into the river and caught fish off bridge supports on the same senko rig. I put our second keeper in the boat flipping on the bridges. I caught another 6 to 8 bass fishing here and broke off several that wrapped up as well. Bill caught another fish here as well. We noticed a small creek and decided to go check it out and just killed a little time in there fishing. In our last move of the day, we hit the rocks again and I picked up our 3rd keep of the day and that was it for the trip.
Tournament in Review:

Bill and I caught about 25 fish all day on two main lures. Weightless Texas rigged Watermelon Senkos and a Lucky Craft American Shad color stick bait. We caught fish all over the lake in about 5 to 9 feet of water. Weather was in the 60's and clear with winds blowing out of the North East all day ranging from 5 to 10 mph. Winning pattern was white crankbaits and white spinnerbaits. Everyone reporting catching a lot of small fish all day. Bill and I took 3rd place with three keepers that weighed just over 6 lbs.