Texas Classic Bass Club May Tournament

The Tournament:
I woke up late, never heard the sound of the alarm or that I can remember anyway on Saturday morning. I was ready to fish as soon as my eyes popped open at 6:00AM. I ran through he house and called John as soon as my feet hit the floor. Luckily John hung out at our meeting spot. I think I got dressed and was out the door in record time. In all of the tournaments I've fished over the last 8 years I think I've been late twice.
John and I met at Wataburger at 6:20 AM, I was a little disappointed in myself to say the least for sleeping past the time I told John that I'd meet him. We got to the lake at 7:15, 45 minutes late and were about to launch when I reached for the boat keys in the console of my truck and my heart nearly stopped. The keys were not there. I thought that was where I'd left them after my last guide trip on Travis a week before, but turns out I left them in the pocket of my jacket back at home. Called the wife to see if she would be our hero and bring the keys or meet us halfway, but no chance. John said, "lets fish and make the best of it," so that's what we did. We launched an hour late and only had the trolling motor as a means of getting around for the day. We fished from Burnet county park to Morgans creek and back from 7:30ish to 3:30. We caught some 30 bass and four large perch. We ended the day with 4 keepers weighing 5.8 lbs. Not bad for a days worth of fishing with only the trolling motor to get around. We caught most of our fish on cotton candy worms all day on drop shot and shakey heads.
To top our day off, as if it were not bad enough, we ran into a rather uneducated home owner while out on the lake. We are fishing near a boat dock when a lady came charging out of her home screaming, "Excuse me, excuse me! Can I help you? Hello! What are you doing?" That was pretty much all without taking a breath or waiting for a response. I replied that I was fishing. Now her husband, stops his yard work and comes out to the shore and tells me I'm trespassing on his land and I need to leave. I told him I was floating on public water and was not trespassing and that if he wanted to call the police I'd lend him my cellphone to make the call. He ran into the house and came back with a phone and pad of paper, which he wrote my TX numbers down and then proceeded to make a call or pretended to anyway I'm not sure. He said he called in on me for trespassing and the cops would be there in 30 min and advised I should be gone before they arrive. I said, "Lucky for you I gotta go or I'd stay to prove you wrong." If I'd had my boat keys, John and I agreed we would have waited for the police to arrive. We couldn't stay or we would have been late for the tournament weigh-in. We left and never heard from anyone until we got to the weigh-in. We told our story about the jerk home owner and one of the other teams had been harassed by the same home owner except he went a step further and circled their boat on his jet ski until the left the area.
I haven't decided yet, but I may pay this home owner a visit every time I fish the lake from now on in hopes that he does circle my on his yet ski, and next time I'll have more time. I'll call the police myself and stay, so that I can file harassment charges on the home owner. Home owners may own the land and the docks, not the water and they can't stop fisherman from fishing around a dock.
Location of the offending home owner: See Red circles.
Tournament in Review:
We think we caught about 20+ bass or more over the day. Most of the fish were caught on cotton candy trick worms. John and I caught four keepers going 5.8 lbs putting us in 5th place. Congrats to Rick on the big bass of 7.7 lbs edging me out of the big bass of the year.
Special Thanks:
Thanks go out to Kelly and the kids for letting me take a Saturday to do some fishing.
I love that you pointed his house out via Google Maps, that is AWESOME!
Thanks... The guy really ticked me off.
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