Friday, July 22, 2005
I left Dell in Round Rock at 5:00 and picked up my boat on the way to the lake. I45/1325/Mopac/Loop 1, whatever you call it was stacked up, bumper to bumper as usual, so it was 7:30ish before I made it to Walsh Landing to launch my boat. Part of the traffic problem was caused by a rain shower moving through, but it had quit raining before I got to the ramps. The traffic didn't get me down though, I launched the boat and hit the reeds next to the launch. I started with a top water popper and switched to a watermelon brush hog after a few casts that didn't produce any action with the popper. The reeds didn't seem to be holding any fish willing to bite, so I packed up and headed up the lake to fish the bulk heads on the right side. I picked up a few short fish on the popper and brush hog fishing the main lake bulkheads, some of them may have been 14 inches, but I didn't bother to measure them. As the sun sunk down behind the hills, I headed up the lake past SkiShores to a set of boat docks and started fishing the grass out in front of the docks and boat houses. I saw three huge schools of shade out in 10 feet of water out infront of the docks. There were a few blow ups on the shad schools, so I gave them a shot only to have a white bass about 3 lbs follow my popper to the boat. I also had a large mouth about 3 or 4 lbs follow it as well, but neither would hit the lure. I ended up catching several bass over 3 lbs off the docks. The bass were holding off the end of the stalls next to the supports. I made another run futher up the lake in the dark past City Park to a patch of grass beds and docks there. I caught a few fish on the brush hog and switched to a white buzz bait. I caught two bass on the buzz bait fishing it over the top of the grass. Both were keepers and one of them was 5.2 lbs on my scale. I was definitely going to visit this spot again during the tournament the next night. That was pretty much it for the trip and I called it a night about 11:15 PM. Great fishing, skies were cloudy the whole time, and it was never over 80 degrees. I was the only person at Walsh Landing when I was loading the boat, so there wasn't anyone around to take a picture of the 5 lb fish I had or there would be a picture posted. :-(
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